Find Recurring Plan by Plan Code

Returns a list of recurring plans for a specified plan_code. The search results include active, archived, and deleted plans. Optional query parameters determine the size and sort order of the returned array.

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Path Params

A unique merchant-generated code used to identify a plan.

Query Params
1 to 100
Defaults to 10

The number of records displayed in the result.

Defaults to plan_code

The field that should be used to sort the results. Refer to the response model for available fields.

Defaults to asc

How the system should use the order_on value to sort the result. Specify asc (ascending sort order) or desc (descending sort order).


Zero-based page number. When there are more results than the count parameter, use this to select the page to display.

array of strings

Results can be filtered by custom criteria. Refer to Filters to use the filter parameter.


Identifies the merchant to whom this request applies. Optional field, applicable only if the request is sent on behalf of another merchant.
Conditional Requirement: Required if this request is on behalf of another merchant.


Response body

Format: Fixed length, 1 N
Description: Response code from the API. 0 indicates success. Refer to Platform API Response Codes for the entire list of return codes.


Format: Variable length AN
Description: A short description of the API response code.


Format: Variable length N
Description: Total number of pages.


Format: Variable length, up to 3 N
Description: Total number of records up to a maximum of 100.

array of objects

An array of the resource object.


Format: Variable length, up to 16 AN
Description: The unique ID assigned to a merchant.


Format: Variable length, up to 10 N
Description: Unique ID generated for a plan.


Format: Variable length, up to 16 AN
Description: A unique alphanumeric code provided by the merchant to identify the plan.


Format: Variable length, up to 64 AN
Description: A unique name assigned to the plan.


Format: Variable length AN
Description: A short description of the plan.


Format: Fixed length, 1 N
Description: The billing frequency. Possible values:

  • 0 - Weekly
  • 1 - Bi-weekly
  • 3 - Monthly
  • 4 - Quarterly
  • 5 - Bi-annually
  • 6 - Annually
  • 7 - Daily


Format: Variable length, up to 2 N
Description: Number of months or weeks in a subscription cycle. For example, if plan_frequency is 3 (Monthly) and interval is 2, a customer using this plan will be billed every 2 months until the subscription is complete or canceled. Applicable only for monthly or weekly plan_frequency.
Default: 1


Format: Variable length, up to 4 N
Description: Number of billing cycles in the recurring transaction. For example, if plan_frequency is 3 (monthly) and plan_duration is 6, the customer will be billed every month for 6 months. -1 indicates bill until canceled.


Format: Fixed length, 1 A
Description: Status of the plan. Possible values:

  • E - Active
  • A - Archived
  • D - Deleted



Format: Variable length, up to 2 N
Description: Number of billing cycles in a trial period.


Format: Variable length, up to 12,2 N
Description: Amount to be billed during the trial period.


Format: Variable length, up to 12,2 N
Description: One-time fee amount.


Format: Variable length, up to 12,2 N
Description: Plan transaction amount, which is the amount that will be billed each cycle.


Format: Fixed length, 3 AN
Description: The ISO numeric currency code. This must be a currency code associated with one of your payment profiles; contact Maast to add currencies. Refer to Currency Codes for a list of currency codes.
Default: 840


Format: Fixed length, 20 N
Description: Payment Gateway profile ID that will be used for subscriptions on this plan.


Description: If set to true, the customer will be billed on a specific start date.
Default: false


Format: Fixed length, 1 N
Description: This field represents the day of the week on which the system will bill for weekly or biweekly plans. Use one of the following codes:

  • 1 - Sunday
  • 2 - Monday
  • 3 - Tuesday
  • 4 - Wednesday
  • 5 - Thursday
  • 6 - Friday
  • 7 - Saturday

Conditional Requirement: Applicable only when billing is on a specific day, i.e., bill_specific_day is set to true.


Format: Variable length, up to 2 N
Description: Day of the month on which the system will bill for monthly or annual plans. Use 1-31 to specify the day of month when the customer will be billed. Use 32 if billing should be on the last day of month.
Conditional Requirement: Applicable only when bill_specific_day is set to true (i.e., billing is on a specific day).


Format: Variable length, up to 2 N
Description: Month on which the system will bill for monthly or annual plans. Possible values:

  • 1 - January
  • 2 - February
  • 3 - March
  • 4 - April
  • 5 - May
  • 6 - June
  • 7 - July
  • 8 - August
  • 9 - September
  • 10 - October
  • 11 - November
  • 12 - December

Conditional Requirement: Applicable only when billing is on a specific day, i.e., bill_specific_day is set to true.


Description: true if the first payment should be prorated.
Conditional Requirement: Applicable only when billing is on a specific day, i.e., bill_specific_day flag is set to true.


Format: Variable length, up to 12,2 N
Description: The fixed prorated amount for first payment. If set to 0 or undefined, the system will calculate the prorated amount based on the number of days remaining in the first cycle.
Conditional Requirement: This field is applicable only if prorate_first_pmt is set to true.


Format: Variable length AN
Description: Date/time the plan was created.


Format: Variable length AN
Description: Date/time the plan was last modified.
