Google Pay™ via Hosted Checkout

Enable Google Pay™ on Maast’s hosted Checkout page.

This page gives instructions for setting up Google Pay™ with Hosted Checkout. This option lets a customer use any payment method stored in their Google account. When selected, Google returns a payment token you can use in lieu of card details, providing your customers another safe and easy option for payment.

Google Pay™ with Hosted Checkout has the following features:

  • Supported on all major web browsers. (Maast does not currently support Android integrations.)
  • Available for Hosted Checkout with permanent link and dynamic link methods.
  • Can integrate with recurring payments through the dynamic link method.


To integrate Google Pay™ with Hosted Checkout you must first enroll in Google Pay™:

Once Maast has enabled Google Pay™ for your account, follow the instructions in the next section to integrate it.


Follow these steps to integrate Google Pay™ with Hosted Checkout using either the permanent link or dynamic link method:

  1. Log in to the Maast merchant portal.
  2. Select 'Administration' in the left-hand menu.
  3. Under 'Account Configuration,' select 'Settings.'
  4. Select the 'Checkout' tab at the top.
  5. Below 'New Checkout Profile,' ensure that the desired checkout profile is selected. To change profiles, click the name below 'New Checkout Profile' and select from the drop-down menu that appears.
  6. In the 'Payment Settings' section, set 'Allow Digital Wallets' to 'Yes.' An option for Google Pay™ will appear. (If either option is not visible, please contact Maast support at
  7. Toggle the Google Pay™ option to 'Google Pay Accepted.'

Once Google Pay™ is integrated, an 'Express Checkout' button with the Google Pay™ logo appears next to the 'Standard Checkout' option on your checkout page.

You are now able to test Google Pay™ transactions.

Test and Go Live

Perform these tasks to test your Hosted Checkout integration with Google Pay™ transactions:

  1. Get Google Pay™ test card data from the 'Google Pay for Payments' test card suite.
  2. Use our Test and Go Live guide to test your integration and to start transacting with an active production account.